Half Naked Apparel

From Rock to Roll….out. Speaking to one half of the band ‘Titans & Kings’ he tells me how they evolved from being in a rock band to creating a music company and a brand for their fans.

The range is inspired by Tattoos, music and bold designs, They wanted to create clothing that their fans will want to wear as much as they do!

‘Wild Sould Tee’
In discussing the range he mentions his favourite piece at the moment is probably the Wild Sould Baseball jersey but the original Never Giving Up The Fight Tee will always have a special place as it was part of our launch collection.
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Creating a brand isn’t always easy and he is able to highlight some of the struggles you face as an up and coming designer. I put the questions to him below, Enjoy the read.
Ascension: What struggles do/did you face when creating all your apparel?
Half Naked: Ah man, it’s tough out there 😉 We’re still relatively new and building our fan base / awareness takes up most of our time. There are loads of great indie brands out there and seeing them succeed is the perfect inspiration to never give up.
Ascension: What do you enjoy most about being a designing your range?
Half Naked: We actually outsource designs and doing the research for that is awesome! There’s nothing better than checking out a load of artists, finding one we love and working with them to create something unique.
Ascension: Do you have any advice for upcoming/emerging designers?
Half Naked: Keep doing what you love and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Ascension: If you could sum up what it takes to design a range in one word what would it be?
Half Naked: Pride.
Ascension: What does the future hold for Half Naked Apparel?
Half Naked: Hopefully a much larger and varied summer collection and ultimately more involvement with the music scene that the brand was born out of – the Half Naked Stage at Slam Dunk Festival has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
‘Never Give up the fight Tee’
Definitely keep an eye out for these guys, I have no doubt they will go from strength to strength.
You can find out more at their site here: Half Naked Go check it out.

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